
I got tired of them but they won't leave.  For example, I went to the laundry to use dryer but one woman was using two both and it's almost done time but she added more coins for both in front of me, and I went to another time and she added coins  both side again!  It's not just today, always like this.  Likewise, I couldn't use even laundry machine so that I bought washer, but still like this. Do I know her?  Not at all.  Never seen before, usually, never seen people are acting like this.  But definitely certain group of people (and they pretend to be police officers or even FBI or CIA) are watching all my move and acting like this.  Wherever I go...  That's why I cannot sell anything at online shop too so that I made my all products of BK AWard shop in Zazzle private mode today.  Anyway people in general cannot see it like this blog.  Neither my red bubble shop.