The Year of Ox 2021


丑年 2021 ティーシャツ

At last I am going into Japanese Amazon!    I don't know if those who live in US are interested in this year of ox t-shirt.  At least we Japanese and Chinese people know about the year but easy to forget here in US, aren't we?  I forgot even to think about it but it is the year of Mouse this year and next year will be the Ox.  Maybe we want to teach younger generation here not to forget our heritage...  I might update for US version after I put my boys BD t-shirts...  I don't have any sales yet and I have to log in double when I tried to enter into my profile even after I log in once.  In this sense, when I tried to see my sales and payment information, I give them time to switch something since I need even security code which will be sent to my phone though I didn't set up such a thing.  Like my google account, even if I am logged in, when I tried to revoke all my device of logging in, I have to log in again  inside my account.  Not just this, when I tried to log in my Pinterest account, I typed my email with iCloud, they showed me three other emails which uses my full name with gmail, yahoo mail, and something else.  And I don't have my account of them just with my full name.  Yet for sure, since my last name is not so common name,( I don't have the same full name even in Japan) some people made these account for hacking or pretending me on purpose to use my things.  If someone bought something from me, anywhere, Amazon, redbubble, zazzle, please let me know here in comments, please.  My comments area is open to public?  I set up like this and you don't need put your information to make a comment even if there is such a section.  

いよいよ日本のアマゾンでもティーシャツ販売し始めました! 来年の干支の、丑年2021です! お子様サイズが100センチからしかきちんと書かれてないのですが、ちょっとサイズ表記もグチャグチャに見えるので、本当にご購入をお考えの方はアマゾンに直接お問い合わせください。私もちょっとこちらのアマゾンで問い合わせてみます。。。😨😰😱